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October 2024
Our focus on discipleship has been so fruitful! Through our weekly devotions, children learn about the Bible, participate in worship, and develop a deeper understanding of faith in Jesus. We are seeing increased church attendance and personal spiritual growth among the kids and their families.

JULY 2024
With this past quarter bringing the end of the school year, our leaders placed an extra emphasis on education. They organized an Education Week where they visited every school our kiddos attend to observe their behavior and discipline, talk to school leaders, and have one-on-ones with teachers. These education weeks have such a positive impact on students’ motivation and academic performance, and build great relationships with the school leaders.

APRIL 2024
Grace and peace to you all! The children in our ministry are thriving physically, emotionally, and academically. Their engagement and enthusiasm for learning were evident during our school visits. Saturday devotionals have become a cherished time, fostering a deeper connection with God. Their well-being and spiritual growth reflect the positive impact of our ministry.

December 2023
Grace and peace to you all! God is working in and through our ministry day by day, a constant reminder of his goodness and grace towards us. That doesn’t mean we haven’t experienced deep aches and sorrow as we reflect on several caregivers that passed on this year, leaving behind their child or even children. Yet still, as the family we are, we were blessed to see unwavering compassion among our kids and staff as we surrounded those grieving these losses.

October 2023
Grace and peace to all our wonderful supporters! The kiddos enjoyed a nice long break from mid-July until mid-September. During this time, we have been busy building our little community. We have continue to put great emphasis on building the culture of Best Family and what it looks like to follow Jesus.

July 2023
Praise be to God, he has provided time and time again. Our kiddos are approaching the end of their 3rd term and the completion of the 2022-2023 school year. Final exams will be administered over the course of the next couple weeks and then the kids will enjoy a two month break before starting the 2023-2024 school year.

July 2022
Since we last updated you, our leaders at all four branches were able to execute what we call “Education Week”. If you missed it on our social platforms, it is a time where the leaders go to all the schools our children attend and we talk with teachers and school leadership on the progress of our kids.

January 2022
We successfully made it through another pandemic year. As we closed out 2021, we couldn’t help but be incredibly grateful for all the amazing ways God provided for us. He has always been so gracious to support our mission through the hundreds of generous sponsors and supporters we have.

October 2021
Last time we spoke, Rwanda was going back into a strict lockdown, starting in Kigali and then ultimately spreading throughout the country. By God’s grace, Rwanda was able to open back up in August with COVID-19 cases dropping back down to manageable levels.

July 2021
God has been good and gracious to us over the past few months. We have been incredibly busy, despite some of the continued effects the pandemic restrictions have placed on school schedules and in-person gatherings.